coming soon to

Aimee & Kevin's Adventures in New Zealand!

That's all you get! You won't be reading any more about our silly antics in Australia because we're movin' on up. Well, more like movin' on down and to the right. We're about to tuck ourselves away in our own little corner of the world and recover from the past three years of adventuring. But don't worry, I'm sure we'll still find plenty to keep you entertained during our seven-month stay in Wellington. If it's good enough for the Hobbits, it's good enough for us!

Stay tuned because in the next couple of weeks, we'll be launching a brand-new site for New Zealand! Lucky us! Lucky you! By the way, we ain't walking, so don't get your hopes up.

Now that we're done, you can help us celebrate by SPONSORING A PIZZA!! Check out our wishlist at Thanks!

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© 2003 Kevin & Aimee Beimers. Internet Professionals, Adventure Seekers.